
CCS in top gear for road safety

In recent weeks, road safety has been a focus for many students at Cire Community School (CCS).

Thanks to funding through the 2021/2022 VicRoads Community Road Safety Program, Safer Vehicles and Looking After Our Mates (LAOM) innovations have been delivered at the Yarra Junction and Mt Evelyn campuses. More are scheduled in the coming weeks, as well as at Berwick, including the pre-Learner driver course, Changing Gears which was also delivered for Cire students in November.

VET Careers and Pathways Leader Karen Swankie, who has been the driving force behind the program at Cire for several years, commended the opportunities and level of student engagement.

“It is so important for students to have access to this type of information as they prepare to sit for their Learner permits and buy their first vehicle,” Karen said.

“We are all road users, whether as a driver or a passenger, so all have a responsibility for the safety of everyone on the roads.”

Karen commended the Department of Transport for its ongoing support for Cire students through its Community Road Safety Program funding.

“Programs like Changing Gears, and now Safer Vehicles and LAOM have become an important part of what we can offer students and support them in responsibly achieving significant milestones like gaining their driver’s licence and making the right choices in life,” Karen added.

Cire is a pilot school for the Safer Vehicles intervention, and Margaret Walpole from the Department of Transport visited

CCS in top gear for road safety

William Laing with Safer Vehicles facilitator at Mt Evelyn campus, Linda Jane, who has also been delivering Changing Gears at Cire for several years.

as an observer for the recent Mount Evelyn innovation. Mrs Walpole, the Community Road Safety Coordinator for the Metropolitan South East Region, also visited Yarra Junction for the LAOM presentation.

Students who participated in the day-long Safer Vehicles program learned about ‘how safe is your car’, things to look out for when buying a car and making safer choices. Students learned about the differences between the Australasian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP) and used car star ratings.

The value of the Safer Vehicles program was captured by the following student comments:

  • The program was great; this information will help me choose a safer car.
  • This program is suited to young people who are ready to get their first car.
  • I didn’t know about the websites for checking the safety of cars, I am going to show my family.

Students also found the LAOM presentation by facilitator Greg Ryan from the Department of Transport, also very informative:

  • I really enjoyed the information; it was insightful, learning about the laws.
  • Really good; it taught me a lot about drinking and how long alcohol can stay in your system.
  • This is the second time I have seen this presentation; the person presenting was good. The videos were good, better than being spoken at.

Main image – students Zahra Mackie and Kyha Edwards with Karen Swankie, Marg Walpole from the Department of Transport and LAOM facilitator, Greg Ryan.

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