
Help support the people of Nepal

The earthquakes that have ravaged Nepal have had a massive impact on the Nepalese people. The death toll from the two quakes, the first on April 25th and the second on 12th May now stands at 8,583. The is now the highest in Nepal’s history. Dozens of people are still missing which mean the death toll will rise, leaving families devastated by the loss of loved ones. Unfortunately we can’t change the these numbers however we can help the survivors by raising funds to rebuild and provide much needed health services.

Dr Floyd Gomes. Together with my wife, Nathalie, have set up “Atticus Health”, a brand of medical clinics located in Melbourne, Australia, that seek to promote health, not only of individuals, but within the communities in which they operate. They see medicine, primarily as a humanitarian pursuit.

On an international scale, they consider Nepal as being part of our larger community. The earthquakes that have ravaged Nepal have led to massive human sufferring and Atticus Health would like to help. A Doctor who used to work with them, Dr Mahima Adhikary (who is in fact Nepalese), has travelled to Nepal to physically help there. The Atticus Nepal Trust (ANT) aims to provide an ongoing source of financial help to rebuild Nepal, over time – which it will take.

The money raised from ANT will be sent directly to Dr Mahima Adhikary. She is a well respected and most trustworthy Doctor. From Dr Adhikary, it is expected that all monies will go directly towards helping the people of Nepal, in this case, by way of purchase of medical equipment and related health supplies.

UYCH is happy to support this charity and believes that with your support we can help them meet their target of $50,000.

For further information visit the Atticus Health Facebook page

To make a donation online please click here

Practice makes perfect

Students perform health checks on a couple of four legged volunteers.

As they say practice makes perfect, and what better way to learn than to practice on the real thing? Our Certificate III Animal Studies class at Mt Evelyn got just that last week. Our Corporate Services Coordinator at the Mt Evelyn Campus bought her two kelpies into the class as real-life models for our students to perform their canine health checks. Putting into practice what they’ve been learning in theory. Hands on experience is by far the best way to learn so having animals visit not only provides real life examples it also makes the loads of fun.

Scout and Dusty (the kelpies) were bought in for the students to check their, ears, gums, teeth, body muscles and heartbeat, an all over examination. Scout was very obliging, lapping up the attention from everyone and giving the students a good idea of how to perform the health check. Dusty on the other hand wasn’t so keen on the idea of playing patient for our enthusiastic students and opted to hide out under the tables or just sit with mum until it was all over.

Here’s what some of our students had to say about the real-life assessment:

“being able to get a hands on experience of a healthy dog was engaging and educating” Casey

“it was great doing the practical assessment and being able to practice on real-life animals” Jo

If you love animals and could see yourself making a career working in the animal industry contact us today to find out more about your options. We are currently taking enrolments in the Certificate III Animal Studies for Semester 2, scheduled to commence in July.

UYCH Bush Kinder learns about Anzac Day

You’re never too young to start learning about the importance of Anzac Day.

Image of the UYCH Bush Kinder kids looking at the 2015 Anzac display

Even Superman was inspired by the Anzac Day display.

The UYCH Bush Kinder Anzac Day program is now in it’s second year. Each year we display photos of reletives who went to war so the children can visit the wall and learn about the people in the pictures. This builds awareness and gives Anzac Day a personal perspective for the children to relate to.

It doesn’t stop there the week leading up to Anzac Day is full of questions as their growing minds learn all about the brave men and women who fought for our country many years ago. Last Friday the children had a visitor from the Upper Yarra Returned Servicemen’s League (RSL), Mr Reeves who volunteered his time to give a talk on Anzac Day and what it means to people in our community. During his visit Mr Reeves read the children a book and showed them war memorabilia. The children were very enthusiastic and had many things to say about Anzac Day, Mr Reeve’s talk and of course Anzac biscuits”.



“Mr Reeves talked about lots of things; he talked about war and even about Simpson and his donkey and everything. He bought a hat and a jacket” Meisha

“Mr Reeves talked to us about a war and read us a story about Anzac Day. He showed us his helmet.” Ayla

“He read us this story. I gave Mr. Reeves a rosemary and Meisha gave him a piece of paper to say thank you” Heidi

“I went in the morning and didn’t have a badge but now I have two badges” Lochie

“They have biscuits named after them” Benjamin

“He taught me we get up early and it is still dark (Dawn Service)” Clair 

“I have one Anzac badge I got from my cousin, just one” Sam

“We made Anzac Day biscuits and you put poppy’s around the soldiers (War Memorial)” Miami

Mr Reeves then had an opportunity to speak to our educators to offer feedback on the program. He was impressed with the children’s knowledge of Anzac Day and cannot wait till next year’s visit. UYCH Family and Children’s centre would like to thank Mr Reeves for his time and appreciate the knowledge he shared with us all. Lest we forget.

Feel free to comment on this article we’d love to hear from you.

If you would like to know more about our Bush Kindergarten please contact our Family and Children’s Centre on 03 5967 2776.

Learn more

Shine a Light on Road Safety 2015

On May 1 – turn your headlights on to show support

Many of us know first hand or know of someone that has been affected by the devastation of road trauma. Shine a Light on Road Safety is a campaign to raise awareness, to stop deaths and injuries on our roads and to raise funds to support those impacted by road trauma.

This Road Trauma Support Services  campaign will help launch the global campaign for the Third United Nations Global Road Safety Week, 4-10 May 2014.

The Shine a Light on Road Safety campaign is just about to start and to date there has been terrific social, corporate and political interest.

The campaign provides the community an opportunity to show support and advocate for road safety. Their key message is that road safety is everyone’s responsibility. They also want to let the community know that RTSSV offers free counselling to Victorians affected by road trauma.

How can you help? 

1 – Turn on your headlights to show support
On May 1 please turn on your headlights for road safety and spare a thought for those who continue to suffer the trauma of losing a loved one, who have been seriously injured or who continue to care for those most seriously injured.

2 – Walk to show support
We hope that you can join them for the community walk at 11am Sunday 3 May at Jells Park, Wheelers Hill. Ask family and friends to sponsor you to Shine a Light on Road Safety – it’s a great way to share our message and support our work

3 – Share to show support
Spread the word by visiting Road Trauma Support Services and share the information on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram or click the share buttons below.

Download a brochure here

Feel free to comment on this article, the team at UYCH

VCAL Students visit the Essendon Football Club

A visit to the Essendon Football Club, just the thing to inspire our students…

On Wednesday 22nd of April our VCAL campuses (Yarra Junction and Mt Evelyn) got together to go an excursion to Essendon Football Club. The students took the one hour bus trip out to Tullamarine to go and check out the new training facilities at the True Value Solar Centre.

When they arrived we were taken into the player’s lecture theatre where they met Josh Hose (Paralympian – Wheelchair Rugby gold medallist), Orazio Fantasia (Essendon footballer), and Kyle Langford (Essendon Footballer). Each of the hosts shared stories about their experiences in becoming successful athletes.

Josh Hose talked about how a car accident in 2005 led him to end up in a wheelchair and how he overcame a lot of difficulties to end up winning a gold medal at the London Olympics.

Orazio Fantasia spoke about how he had a tough experience at school and got into a lot of trouble before deciding to dedicate VCAL Students visit the Essendon Football Clubhimself to achieving his goals at school and in football.

Kyle Langford spoke about how he had been in a lot of trouble for fighting in his early teenage years before deciding that he needed to make better decisions if he was going to achieve his goals in life.

Michelle Murray (Education Program Coordinator at EFC) then took the students through a discussion about risk taking, smoking, drug use and peer pressure. A big thank you goes out to Michelle for organising these great programs and accommodating us for the last 4 years, we straitly appreciate it.

Image of the VCAL Students visit to the Essendon Football ClubAfter the discussions we had a chance to wear Josh Hose’s gold medal and take some photos. We also had a chance to ask questions of the speakers who were all very open and honest in their responses.

Then came the fun part – We were taken into the new indoor sports facility located in a huge hangar. We had the chance to kick the footy with the Essendon players and get to know them better. We also had Michelle and Josh take us through a game of “blind ball” where students were blindfolded and had to throw a ball with a bell in it towards the opposing team’s goal. All of the students had a great time during the sporting activities and got to experience something that they wouldn’t normally be able to.

Finally, we went on a tour of the facilities at EFC, which included their new gym, the locker rooms, the hot/cold pools and laps pool. The first joint excursion between the Yarra Junction and Mount Evelyn VCAL campuses was a great day for all involved.

Article by – Mark Hunt
VCAL Coordinator

If you know of someone that could benefit from our education services or would like to know more call
1300 835 235.

Words from our students

UYCH Kitchen Skills’ students were asked to write down one word each that describes how they feel about their Introduction to Kitchen Skills class. These words reflect just how important everyday livings skills are to the people in our community and the need for social interaction. Not only are cooking skills essential to a healthy lifestyle, the social aspect of these classes help bring people together who have a common interest and a need to get out and socialise. Students enjoy picking up tips and cooking in class but it is the social aspect that really shines through. Every Wednesday morning the Mt Evelyn campus smells like a scene out of Master Chef as the students prepare the day’s dish, but is is the activity that can be heard which highlights the positive atmosphere generated in this class, here are what some of the students have to say about this popular class.

“This course has helped me at home and with life skills.” Josh

“I like socialising and meeting people which has built my confidence.” Trudy

“I now have lots of recipe ideas and best of all we get to sample everything at the end of the class.” Heidi

If you feel you could benefit from this course or know someone that who might, click here to learn more

Dishes prepared by the students

International Women’s Day Celebration

March 8th marked International Women’s Day, celebrating women all over the world for their economic, political, and social achievements, as well as showing appreciation, love and respect for women from different cultures, religions and political environments. The day is celebrated across the world with thousands of events such as charity functions, luncheons, forums and more. Events are held to inspire and encourage women, to celebrate achievements past present and future, to come together and unite.

On March 5th the Yarra Valley celebrated International Women’s Day with a special luncheon at the Upper Yarra Art Centre where our own UYCH Corporate Services Manager Robynne Mauger was a guest speaker.  Many women from the Yarra Valley and surrounds came along to be inspired and empowered by women from our own area and share a meal. Our Yarra Valley Community School female students from the Yarra Junction campus also came along for the event; which for these teenagers is a great platform for building self-esteem, self-confidence and to learn to overcome negativity in order to achieve their goals.

The theme for the day was challenging prejudice and discussing life’s moments where prejudice was experienced. Robynne shared her stories on how she dealt with prejudice through the eyes of a woman. In all her life examples it was evident that Robynne built a strong backbone dealing with situations where judgement and prejudice arose. Her day-to-day work and life experiences focussed, and continues to this day, on providing opportunities for people to enhance their lives. She is well placed to open our eyes to ingrained prejudice, to educate the uneducated and empower others to overcome barriers to fulfil their own goals, as prejudice is invisible to the perpetrator; ignorance can lead to judgemental comments and behaviour.

“There are so many interesting people to meet in the community. I came along today to be inspired and to have conversations with interesting and inspiring women, and that was achieved”  – Diane

She left us all with a strong message, especially for our YVCS female students, that to overcome prejudice and to be where you want to be in life and to succeed, you need to ‘Believe in yourself, be true to yourself, don’t take no for an answer and make your own choices.’

Robynne was followed by Tiani Zia-Kane, another prominent and strong woman residing in the Yarra Valley. Tiani also provided inspiration, hope and guidance for all listeners through her own experiences with overcoming prejudice.  Tiani believes that prejudice is judging someone negatively before knowing them and that it’s about inequality. Tiani is also well placed to open our eyes and to educate against the prevailing prejudice we still see in society today.

If you would like to learn more about International women’s day head to: