
Welcome to Term 3 – Chirnside Community Hub

Welcome to issue #8 of OurHub term 3 Guide. As you can see we’ve moved to an online version for Term 3. Don’t worry the much loved printed version will be back for Term 4, and we will also continue to deliver this online for those of you who prefer to check out what’s on offer on your phone or tablet (it’s even better for our beloved planet).

What a whirlwind the last three months have been for not only for our community but for all communities worldwide. We have had to learn to adapt to many changes in our day-to-day routines with everything but essential services closed. For me, these changes meant that I had to adapt to working from home, homeschooling four children and being thrown into the world of virtual meetings and catch-ups. Reflecting on the past few months, I am really grateful for the experience as it has given me the opportunity to spend quality time with my family, enjoy a slower pace of life and gain the confidence that I can adapt to any situation and come out stronger.

We closed the Hubs on 23rd March and I was very unsure of how I was going to support the community and provide courses and programs, without being able to deliver them in the centre. I am very grateful for my amazing team and together we kept coming up with innovative ideas to support the community. Our Fit 4 Life program was the first to be delivered via Zoom and with the members that did not have access to technology, we sent them an exercise DVD and exercise information sheets. We connected our Wednesday morning craft group together on Zoom, and despite some technical challenges, with patience and persistence, we got there in the end. The weekly catch-ups have kept the ladies feeling connected during this isolating time.

Some of the other programs that went virtual included our Book and Movie Club which meets on the last Wednesday of the month and Majickal Belly Dancing launched a four-week course. Friday Night Live, a program created by our placement students from Box Hill Institute of TAFE, welcomed guest speakers each week and incorporated a question and answer section at the end. Guest speakers included Patrick Boucher and Danny Field from Yarra Ranges TV, David Shepard a Tai Chi instructor, and Emily Webbers, an Indigenous educator.

Two weeks before closed our Hubs, we welcomed Naomi to our team as the Chirnside Park Community Hub Coordinator (pictured above left). You may have already seen her on our weekly Cuppa and Chat sessions on our Facebook page, where she has kept us updated with what is going on at the Hubs. Naomi started the hugely successful Lock Down Lego Challenge on Facebook, reaching around 800 members. The group was created and new challenges were set up daily to engage families to get creative and build Lego. Due to the success of this group we are excited to be launching our Lego Group at both our hubs.

Level Up is unlikely to return to the Hubs in Term 3, or while limits on social gatherings are still in place. Level Up is extremely important for our young people however, we do not want to create a situation where some young people may need to be excluded from our programs. We are eager for Level Up to return as soon as we are able to provide a safe and inclusive environment for all. Gamers Lounge transitioned to an online format in May and will continue to do so for Term 3. Those interested in becoming involved can do so by joining our Facebook group.

We look forward to welcoming you back to our Hub and as always, please feel free to stop in for a cuppa and chat and let us know what you would like to see in our programming.

If you would like to subscribe simply click the Sign Up! button above.

Enjoy OurHubs online
Jenelle Strachan – Manager – Cire Community Hubs



Amazing virtual makeover for Training & Hubs

Cire Training and Hubs (T&H) has reached new and innovative heights in service delivery during the COVID-19 restrictions, highlighting its expertise and commitment to offering flexible teaching and learning opportunities to people of all ages.

Whilst the physical sites have been closed, much has been happening in the cyber world with T&H rapidly embracing the challenge to deliver online and providing learners with extra support where necessary.

 “It has been fantastic to see how quickly we have been able to adapt to successfully deliver training online, and find ways to continue to support our students and broader community virtually across all of our services. This is a testament not only to our trainers and support staff, but also our students who have been working closely with us to make the transition as smooth as possible,” said Laura Shortis, Executive Manager of T&H.

“We have even seen higher levels of engagement among some people with our flexible delivery to enable learners to continue with, or commence their studies and be engaged and connected.”

A standout has been First Impressions Clothing Exchange (FICE),  which grew out of Cire’s Women’s Warehouse and has been creating all kinds of COVID-19 restriction ‘inspired’ records.

FICE provides long-term unemployed and financially disadvantaged and vulnerable women with access to quality and affordable clothing, on-the-job-training through its Mooroolbark shop, together with a broad range of teaching and learning opportunities and other supports.

With its shop closed, FICE has undergone its own makeover with a vengeance reaching more than 10,000 people through social media platforms. It is planning to continue the online sessions post COVID-19 to foster an ongoing connection with the broader community and complement Cire’s face-to-face learning platforms.

With engagement of over 7,000 and videos views at 7,400, the digital campaigns are playing an integral part in keeping the community up-to-date and providing practical assistance on finances, accessing material aids such as food, bill paying and providing advice on job searching and applications. Sessions have also been expanded to assist people to update resumes and cover letters in anticipation of the job market reopening.

FICE is confident that it will connect face-to-face with approximately 100 women a week when its shop reopens while its virtual reach will be many thousands a week.

Other initiatives from Cire Training and Hubs include:

  • Training’s pre-accredited and accredited courses have moved online with great results in terms of attendance and feedback from students.  Training has worked closely with those experiencing online learning challenges such as limited access to technology and resources and provided tailored support where needed.  The success of the transition in such a short period of time is a true testament to the dedication and expertise across the training team.  Expressions of interest are being invited for Cert III Individual Support and Cert IV Education Support, both starting in July (Term 3).  The style of delivery will be determined on restrictions at the time.
  • Smart Money has been delivered virtually for the first time and has been well received. Cire’s pre-accredited team has been providing additional support to small businesses given the current environment.  Small Business Hub is offering a special discounted membership fee for those joining the pandemic.
  • Community Hub programs online. Using Zoom for the Fit 4 Life seniors exercise class and weekly craft group has been extremely successful.  We have also been trialling new initiatives such as the Lego Lockdown Challenge and Minecraft competition.
  • Hub staff are volunteering with the CHAOS Chatline to assist those in the community who are reaching out for connection and support during this challenging time.
  • For the more vulnerable, Cire has distributed items such as Quilton toilet paper from Good360 which distributes new and surplus goods donated by its network of Australian manufacturers and businesses. While the FICE shop has been closed, there has been much online delivery of services and support such as virtual ‘Frock up Fridays’ with Good360 pamper products as prizes, and a Zoom makeup session with donated L’Oreal makeup packs for participants.

Laura said the feedback from learners has made worthwhile all the hard work in embracing change so quickly and overcoming the challenges along the way.

The following helps capture the appreciation:

“It is fantastic to do all these exercises online with others.  You still get the community feel even in isolation. It is so nice to see other people we used to see all the time, plus it actually makes sure we do exercise and do it properly with supervision. Great fun for all” – Julie, Fit 4 Life participant

“I have enjoyed studying online as it gives me the flexibility to study from home and enables me to perform my family commitments. The workload is manageable and my teacher is easy to get in touch with and flexible in providing extra support when required” – Gavin, Certificate IV Education Support student (pitured above)

“I never thought I would enjoy learning about superannuation so much! Sue steers you through the confusing world of superannuation, with clear, informed and easy to follow teaching. The course is well thought out with the different aspects uncovered in each session, Sue takes the time so you truly understand what it is you are learning, I feel so much more confident and empowered in understanding my superannuation – thanks for such a fabulous course” – Alexandra, Smart Money attendee

Students and trainers have embraced the changes during this challenging time, as seen in this video for a Kitchen Kaos.

The Training and Hubs team are excited to be able to welcome people back to both the Yarra Junction and Chirnside Park Community Hubs following the announcement of the easing of restrictions. Both hubs will be re-opening on the 1st of June and will be resuming standard programs and services as the restrictions allow.

If you have any questions please contact us via email or call 1300 835 235

Stay Fit 4 Life with Cire Services!

Did you know that regular exercise is more important to the health of seniors than a healthy diet?

Participating in regular moderate-intensity physical activity lowers the risk of depression, improves the ability to perform daily activities and can slow the development of disability or disease. Seniors who participate in group physical activity report higher overall activity and are more likely to continue with a regular fitness regimen, due to the support they receive from each other. In addition to the benefits of regular group exercise, the act of social engagement itself is associated with a lower risk of mortality.

With this in mind, Cire Services have partnered with Fitness Success to deliver a specialised fitness program for over-65s called Fit 4 Life. Thanks to funding secured by Musculoskeletal Australia through a Sports Australia grant initiative, we are able to offer two classes per week by a qualified exercise physiologist experienced in working with seniors.

Exercises are tailored to each participant’s level of fitness, providing individualized support in a friendly, fun group environment. In addition to their in-class activities, Fit 4 Life attendees are provided with print-outs detailing exercises they can do at home to support their daily living.

Sessions include tasty refreshments post-exercise, allowing time for our participants to ask questions or speak with the physiologist regarding their fitness goals. It’s also a wonderful opportunity to catch up for a chat over tea and biscuits!

Fit 4 Life attendees agree that they feel welcome at our Cire Chirnside Park Community Hub, highlighting the warm environment, helpful information and friendly staff. One of our participants, Linda, said that her favourite part about attending Fit 4 Life is “meeting new people”. Roy mentioned that he greatly enjoys learning new exercises in addition to the “good atmosphere” of the sessions.

In 2018, the Australian Government committed over $150 million dollars to fund physical health and sporting initiatives. Sport Australia’s “Move It AUS” grant programs were intended to drive participation in sport and physical activity by building active environments, targeting communities with high levels of inactivity and working to improve the health of older Australians.

Musculoskeletal Australia was successful in securing a “Move It AUS- Better Ageing” grant, working in conjunction with the University of Sydney to implement a project enabling neighbourhood houses to offer physical activity programs to people 65 years and above.
This funding has allowed Cire Services and Fitness Success to offer our Fit 4 Life sessions for $5 per participant. A similar session with an exercise physiologist would generally come at a cost of approximately $120.

The Fit4Life team are taking a break over Christmas but will be returning to the Cire Chirnside Park Community Hub early next year! There’s no ongoing commitment, sessions are casual and pay-as-you-go, with no bookings required. Just arrive on the day and speak with a member of our friendly Cire Hubs team!

Date: Every Monday and Wednesday, as of February 3 2020
Time: 11.00am
Location: Cire Chirnside Park Community Hub, 33 Kimberly Drive Chirnside Park.
Cost: $5.00 per person, per session. Cash and EFTPOS accepted.
Includes: A group fitness session facilitated by a qualified Fitness Success exercise physiologist, refreshments and a print-out of take-home exercises.

For more information, feel free to give us a call on 1300 835 235.

Back to Grass Roots Community Support

Exciting times ahead for the Upper Yarra region with the re-introduction of grass roots community engagement at Cire Services. In the coming months, Cire Services will be focussing on a new community house structure that aims to bring people together to connect, learn and contribute in their local areas. We will be providing locals with the opportunity to identify and address their own needs, to do something for themselves in order to develop and grow their own personal skill set and wellbeing. We welcome people from all walks of life and provide an approach that opens up opportunities for individuals to broaden and enrich their own experiences, in turn enriching their community.

Cire Community House will operate from the Yarra Junction office using a unique community development approach in order to engage, connect and develop community members. We aim to provide a safe learning and social environment where community members feel they belong, can meet new people and learn something enriching and new along the way. We will be a hub of fun activities that not only provide locals with an outlet to channel their passions, but a space where valuable life skills can also be learnt.

In order to develop a strong community offering, we want to provide exactly what the community wants and needs. So to kick off Cire’s new Community House we are seeking input from our local communities in the Upper Yarra to assist in developing ideas that will strengthen our community and lead to diverse and innovative outcomes.

Some of the activities and services recently developed in response to your needs are; community lunch, community events, health and wellbeing, numeracy and literacy, digital literacy, leisure and life style activities. Have you got any more ideas of what you’d like to see us deliver?

We invite you to join our first community lunch on Wednesday 3rd May; 12.30 to 2.30 pm at Upper Yarra Family Centre, 2444 Warburton Highway Yarra Junction. Bring with you your appetite and ideas to share. Please call 5967 1776 to book your seat click here Hoping to see you there