Cire Students in top gear with Variety bikes

Cire Students in top gear with Variety bikes

Students at Cire Community School’s Yarra Junction campus are enjoying a major upshift in gear, thanks to the Variety Bikes for Kids program. The fleet of 25 bikes is providing students with many diverse benefits ranging from additional opportunities to connect with each other and develop and share an interest, assist with self-regulation, encourage leadership […]

National Tree Planting Day a Perfect Fit for Cire

National Tree Planting Day a Perfect Fit for Cire

National Tree Planting Day 2023 was the perfect fit recently for Cire Community School (CCS) to help “green” the Lilydale campus and provide students with hands-on experience to connect with revegetation projects and nature’s benefits. It was fueled by a grant of $400 from Planet Ark for seedlings and the support of Candlebark Community Nursery […]

FICE Upcycling kicks goals for the environment

FICE Upcycling kicks goals for the environment

FICE’s upcycling workshops, transforming used clothing not fit-for-sale into useable products, have been touted as an exemplary and creative solution in helping address the impact of waste in the environment. According to Heather Willison (she/her), Sustainability Victoria’s Program Lead for the Circular Economy Communities Fund, the project is a stand out “as textiles are a […]

Grants boost for Lilydale campus makeover

Grants boost for Lilydale campus makeover

Cire Community School’s Lilydale campus is undergoing a makeover thanks to three recent grants to help enhance the outdoor environment and the workshop area. Turf and planter boxes were installed last week in outdoor shaded spaces to make them more engaging for learning and connecting with others. The project was funded by a grant of […]

First Aid - Saving Lives and Empowering Communities

First Aid – Saving Lives and Empowering Communities

In today’s fast-paced world, accidents and emergencies can occur at any time and in any place. Whether at home, the workplace, or in public spaces, being equipped with the skills to provide immediate assistance can make a significant difference. First aid training plays a crucial role as it not only saves lives but also empowers […]

Warmer holiday destinations warrants extra protection from the sun

Warmer holiday destinations warrants extra protection from the sun

If you’re like many parents who live in the southern states of Australia, Winter is cold so choosing a holiday destination often means going somewhere where it’s warm and the family can enjoy outdoor activities. But with warmer temperatures come the increased risk of sunburn for your children, which makes it essential to take extra […]

Kayla’s Courageous Journey to Achieving her Dream

Kayla’s Courageous Journey to Achieving her Dream – Part 1

Kayla is living proof that having a goal and staying focused will take you further in life than anything else! Despite facing countless challenges along the way, she has never lost sight of her dreams, reaching her goal of graduating, pursuing further education, and starting a career in the finance sector. At Cire, we are […]

Cire Early learning shares Reggio insights with 800 delegates

Cire Early Learning shares Reggio insights with 800 delegates

Cire Early Learning (CEL) was fortunate to be represented at a Reggio Emilia conference, where it also had the opportunity to share some of its insights in the educational approach with the more than 800 delegates. Five educators and Cire CEO Gus Seremetis attended the three-day Melbourne conference thanks to funding through a Perpetual IMPACT […]

Why is Ethical and Sustainable Coffee so important?

Why is Ethical and Sustainable Coffee so important?

For many of us, coffee is a staple in our lives! From starting the day to an afternoon catch-up, these wonderful little beans bring us warmth and energy. But in an age where we are all looking to help the environment, it is important to source products in an ethical and sustainable way. Many may […]