plastic bag free Warburton sign

YVCS is awash with plastic bag free enthusiasm

The Senior and Intermediate VCAL class at Yarra Valley Community School (YVCS) Yarra Junction campus, have been working on an ‘environmental awareness’ campaign focussing on a plastic bag free initiative as part of their Work Related Skills subject. The Upper Yarra region is supporting the Plastic Bag Free Warburton movement, which aims to make the township […]

Image of a little girl planting seeds

Little green thumbs having loads of fun

During the recent school holidays, our kinder aged children were encouraged to try out their green thumbs at out Mt Evelyn Children’s Centre. With the help of their educators they planted alfalfa seeds on wet paper in little cups, and beans and peas in pots and in our garden. When our kinder teacher came back […]

Image of the children's services staff

UYCH Children’s Centre – exceeds expectations

We are so proud and excited to announce that upon receiving our assessment report from the Department of Education and Training that our children’s centre received a rating of Exceeding for each quality area and an overall rating of EXCEEDING! The hard work does pay off and benefits the families who use our Early Childhood Education […]

Image of Gus Seremetis and Geoff Vickers

Cerini Centre inspires a vision

At UYCH we are always looking to further support disadvantaged youth in the Upper Yarra. We are currently undertaking a “Research Evaluation Project for Disadvantaged Youth in the Outer East”, funded by the Warburton and Yarra Junction Community Bank branches, which focuses on educational and social needs for youth aged 12 – 15 years who are […]

Image of Dobby the Brush Tail possum

Injured wildlife tips for Spring

Last Spring we introduced you to Dobby a three month old Brush Tail possum who was rescued and raised by Raewyn, a registered wildlife foster carer. Well Dobby has now celebrated his first birthday so we thought it was a good idea to share with you all some tips on how to act when an animal is injured […]

Image of an orphanage in Kenya

Letter of appreciation for making a difference

If you have been following our blog you will already know about the hard work our VCAL students did to ensure the Milking Cow and Goat Project (run by the Rotary Club of Healesville) was a success. By raising over $1000 they were able to pay for 5 acres of maize seed to be planted and […]

Image of the team of woman that raised funds for the Cambodian Project

Together we can build a brighter future

In July this year, Karen Armstrong, UYCH Community College Team leader – Innovation and Development travelled with a group of 14 women to Siem Reap in Cambodia. The trip was a culmination of months of hard work raising funds to help the people of Siem Reap by supporting Husk Cambodia, learning about the Cambodian culture and how we […]

Image of a seedling tray

A wander and a chat in the ECOSS gardens

Last Wednesday I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to visit the UYCH Community College Horticultural Industry Taster course students at ECOSS in Wesburn. I found the students in the herb garden where they had just started a learning activity about biodynamic treatments for soil. The trainer explained, “The students need to mix the treatment […]

Image of a VCAL student receiving a certificate of appreciation for the Milking Cow and Goat project

YVCS Students making a difference part 2

You may have read our blog  “Students making a difference” posted 08/07/205 about our two VCAL Foundation classes at the Yarra Junction campus of Yarra Valley Community School raising money to support orphans and primary school children in Kariakomo Orphanage in Kenya through the Milking Cow & Goat Project run by the Rotary Club of Healesville. The students […]