Music hits high note at school

Music hits high note at school

Music is hitting a high note among budding musos at Cire Community School thanks to a Telstra Kids grant. Following the purchase of a range of instruments with the grant money, there are many more opportunities available to students. The program offers benefits for students on a number of levels and classes have become a much-anticipated […]

Community lunch - bringing people together

Community lunch – bringing people together

Once upon a time our ancestors would gather around a roaring fire to share meals, discuss community news, laugh together and mourn together. Throughout history, communal meals have been an essential part of our day-to-day lives, a tradition that is becoming increasingly less common to the detriment of our health and wellbeing. Sharing meals with […]

Cire named top community training provider in Victoria

Cire named top community training provider in Victoria

Cire Services has been named the top community training provider in Victoria, validating Cire Training’s leading reputation for excellence and its innovative programs designed to enhance the employment pathways of people of all ages throughout the Yarra Ranges and beyond. Cire claimed the coveted title when it won the Community Training Provider category at the […]

Mums - it's time to focus on you!

Mums – it’s time to focus on you!

With all the rush of school pick-ups, sports, activities and home life, it’s easy for Mums to find self-care slipping to the bottom of our to-do list. According to a survey conducted by Healthy Women, 78% of mothers report neglecting to take care of their own needs because they’re too busy looking after their loved […]

The Clothesline Project - gender equality workshop

Cire and local students stand together for gender equity

Cire Services has helped students from St Peter Julian Eymard Primary School deepen their awareness and the need for gender equity through their involvement in the Clothesline Project at Chirnside Park Community Hub. The Clothesline Project aims to build on the work already being done by community houses as well as strengthen the region’s approach […]

Brooke shares spirit of NAIDOC and beyond

Brooke shares spirit of NAIDOC and beyond

Wurundjeri educator, Brooke Wandin, recently injected special meaning into 2019 NAIDOC Week at Cire Children’s Services with an engaging session that captured the hearts of her young audience and staff. Brooke is from the Woiwurrung speaking Wurundjeri-Wilam clan. Her family has been living in the area we now know as the Yarra Ranges for countless […]

Muddy puddle fun to help children worldwide

Muddy puddle fun to help children worldwide

Yarra Junction Children’s Centre recently participated in the “Peppa Pig’s Muddy Puddle Walk”, a virtual event for children, families and organisations to help children worldwide caught up in the horrors of war and natural disasters. The annual Save the Children Fund initiative gives our children the opportunity to experience the joy of giving to others […]

RYLA catapults Taylah onto huge learning curve

RYLA catapults Taylah onto huge learning curve

Attending a Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) program earlier this year has catapulted former Cire Community School student Taylah Minca onto a huge and positive learning curve. Whilst still a student at the school,  sponsored Tayla to attend the challenging week-long camp which provides a unique opportunity for leadership skills development while having fun and […]

Cire welcomes closer partnership with Rotary

Cire welcomes closer partnership with Rotary

Cire Services and Rotary are strengthening their partnership and reach to help respond to the needs of local communities, particularly younger people. The initiatives encompass Cire Community School, a recently launched Rotary District 9810 Books for Kids fundraising campaign, and support for Cire Training’s Learn Local (see post on this blog page). Cire is one […]