Life Lessons Learned Through Lawn Bowling

Life Lessons Learned Through Lawn Bowling

Cire students studying Community Services had an exciting opportunity to deepen their understanding of seniors in their local area through the simple game of lawn bowls. Students got to spend some quality time with the Lilydale Bowling Club members as part of their Facilitate the Empowerment of Older People unit.

Upon visiting the bowling club, our group was warmly welcomed by senior club members who were happy to provide a unique look into what it is like for older generations to maintain connections within such an environment.

But it wasn’t just any old visit – instead, the students learned how to bowl from these seasoned pros! In return, the students whipped up a tasty lunch and served it to their new found friends, along with a refreshing drink.

Certificate II in Cookery students also participated by cooking the BBQ, taking food orders and replenishing stock. These skills they learned can easily be transferred to everyday life or future employment opportunities in the hospitality industry. One day, you might just be ordering from one of these skilled students at your favourite restaurant!

“What a beautiful day for Cire’s young people to connect with the Lilydale Bowling community. Seeing young people engaging and learning from the bowling club members was lovely”.

“It was great to see Cire Community School students undertaking their Certificate II in Cookery, applying their theoretical knowledge practically in cooking the BBQ. They were able to develop and improve their customer service skills, which is a transferable skill as they transition into the broader world of work.” Karen Swankie – VET Careers & Pathways Leader

It was an excellent chance for both groups to get to know each other better, with the students asking questions about their lives and experiences. Plus, by seeking and providing support, everyone came away with a feeling of connection and mutual respect for one another.

Over 30 students attended from Cire Community School, Dandenong High School and Yarra Hills Secondary College. VACCA (The Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency) Diploma of Community Services students also attended to assist and interact with the students.

As a community-based RTO delivering qualifications in Community Services, we must celebrate the importance of community services. In our bid to do so, this opportunity not only celebrates but also recognises the great efforts of our student body. We believe creating a supportive environment that allows our students to engage in activities promoting social inclusion and community engagement is essential.

It was a day to remember for the members of the bowling club and the students who joined them. Adine McDonald (Cire Trainer and Assessor) said that,

“What stood out most were the relationships that formed between these two groups. The students couldn’t stop raving about how much they enjoyed spending time with the club members – they even jokingly referred to them as grandpas! It was heartwarming to witness how they connected so quickly, even though most students had never picked up a bowling ball, let alone been coached by the members. To top it all off, the students even asked the members for selfies!”

We want to thank the Lilydale Bowling Club for providing the venue, especially the members who made the day a success.

We’re hoping to make this an annual event, so keep following us on Facebook to be kept up to date.

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